I am just so gosh darn happy right now. Mostly because I got to hang out with my cousin/best friend Lauren last week. Lauren and I are super sappy together. Well we are everything together but one of the many things we can be together is sappy or maybe thats not the right word and I should say cheesy? Who knows. So we spent our time taking walks, setting goals, making life plans, changing perspectives (sounds cheesy I know, but sometimes I feel like I am negative and need to consciously change my perspective on life/people/everything), and just lots of things I just feel like a happier person. 
Anyways… change of topic. Birth control. (I can talk about this since we are all girls right?) I am getting married in less than two months so I started taking it so it could be in my system and what not by the time i am married and just in case I needed to switch or try different kinds… I was super scared to start since I have heard COUNTLESS horror stories about crazy hormones, bad moods, crying for no reason, horrible cramps, etc. I haven’t experienced any of that……. until tonight.
Has anyone seen Walking Dead? It is on AMC and if you havent you should watch it! But anyways my fiance and I watched last weeks episode tonight and after it was over I asked him, “what if I turned into a zombie?” He responded and said he would shoot me!!! I mean thanks for the honesty I guess? But since I was acting surprised, he was saying how he would hope that I would shoot him if he turned into a zombie and was going to attack me. I was laughing but was telling him how I literally could not shoot him and I would probably just let him attack me… then that thought (the thought of having to shoot my zombie husband to be) made me cry!!!! It was totally my birth control crying.. it was really only a few tears (maybe four) and David and I were literally cracking up the whole time it was happening.. but still the tears were there and it counts as a cry. It was too funny. 
I cried thinking of David being a zombie.
Thanks for that birth control.
Ps I’ve loved all the emails with funny birth control stories I have gotten so far, so keep them coming! 🙂 
Here are some more pics taken by Camilla Binks:

studded top: romwe / asymmetrical dress underneath: romwe