It has been brought to my attention that someone has been commenting AWFUL things on blogs under the name Amber and when you click on the name it links back to my blog..
I just want you all to know that is NOT me and none of those horrible comments come from me or my blog. I am literally sitting here crying as I read the mean things they are writing on such beautiful girl’s blogs while pretending to be me.
I would NEVER say any of those things and I did NOT comment any of those things I promise! I am working to contact google ASAP to take care of it but please spread the word that those comments do not come from me.
I am so heart broken someone would do this. Some people are so mean. 
My husband and I think it would be good for me to take some time off from blogging so I will see you all in a week or so. I am so sorry for anyone who recieved a mean comment, please know what they said is not true, you are beautiful, keep blogging and being amazing, and it most definitely did not come from me!
Love you all.

P.S. to whoever did it, this just makes me want to make my blog better. So if your point is to bring my blog down, you’re doing it the wrong way. 

flats: c/o Yosi Samra / headband: c/o Lemons and Lace / sweater: c/o / leather pants: c/o Tart Collections 
I am so excited about this giveaway with Yosi Samra! Yosi Samra has become my new favorite flats brand.. they are sold at ShopBop and Piperlime and lots of my other favorite shops! How cute are these tweed and neon ones found here?! I am dying to have them. And they are soo comfortable- I had no ‘breaking in’ process which is thee worst. Also, they are foldable so I fold them and throw them in my purse on days I wear heels to work in case I need to do a switch out.
Today you can enter to win your own pair! You get to pick the color of your choice from the Patent collection found here! In that collection you can find the flats I am wearing here in this post (and also this post: here) mine are neon yellow and they have lots of other colors ranging from black to mint green to cherry red!
To enter:
*Each entry MUST be a seperate comment
*You must be following Barefoot Blonde to enter (blue follow button on right hand side)
One Entry:
-Like Yosi Samra on Facebook: here
-Follow Yosi Samra on Instagram (IG: yosisamra)
-Follow Yosi Samra on Twitter: here
One Additional Entry:
-Pin an item from
-Follow Amber Fillerup on Instagram (IG: amberfillerup)
Giveaway will end Wednesday, March 6th at 12am and will be announced on Thursday March 7th!

After I mentioned that my husband and I are going to begin juicing again, I got asked what my favorite recipe is! So I am going to tell you 🙂
I am sure you guys have had Naked juices before.. they are the best! The Green Monster is my favorite and my husband and I make our own version of it with all of the main ingredients!
We juice the apples and ginger in a Jack LaLanne juicer (here) and then blend that juice in a Ninja blender (here) with the mango, banana, pineapple, kiwi, and spinach! We blend the rest as to not lose any of the fruit in the juicer, if that makes sense. (obviously not all the fruit is juice so some of it gets discarded) You could blend all of it or juice all of it, just depends how you like it and what type of blender you have! If you have a Blendtec (here)- you could easily blend all of it! 
We are drinking clean juice like this for two meals a day and having a clean meal for our third. We usually have like veggies and brown rice or chicken and veggies! – Trying to get back in tip top shape, I have been slacking and I just feel gross so its been nice to eat clean! (we do have a cheat on Saturday nights though.. I have to have a little cheat day!) My husband surprised me with a punching bag a little ago and I am soo thrilled about it! I will show you all soon more about boxing soon!
Our ‘Green Monster’ recipe is at the bottom! 🙂

Hey guys! Thank you so much for all of you who voted!!! Honestly, it means a lot to have all your support! You guys can vote here every day (if ya want) 🙂 
David and I have been eating so bad since we got married.. we go to the gym every single day but we keep eating sweets and tons of carbs! Which we usually only do sparingly. So we just got back from the market and we are going to do a juice cleanse this week. We usually include one meal with our cleanses so its not entirely a cleanse but we just eat super clean for a week and then we can get back on our normal healthy diet with occasional splurges.
I told you guys a while ago how I wanted to start doing a lot more with fitness because you guys ask me a lot about what I do to work out and what not and I want to help you guys out any way possible! So, I thought this would be so easy, I would just go to the gym and take pictures of my daily work outs- well not so easy. Most gyms don’t let you take pictures and not only that but do you know how embarrassing it is having someone take your pictures as people are walking by or working out next to you? Yeah not fun. We have even tried going super late at night but people are always there. So then I thought maybe I could demonstrate my work outs with the weights and work out tools I have here at home- but they don’t look as professional, but as long as you guys don’t care, I think that is the route I am going to go but I want your guys advice! What do you want to see in the fitness posts? What work outs I do? How I do them? What kind of protein I take after work outs? etc. 
Just tell me what you guys want to see!!  
And don’t forget I started adding what lipstick I wear in the posts at the bottom along with all the other links! 
gold pants: Alice & Olivia (similar: here) / fur jacket: c/o / star wars tee: F21 / gold flats: F21 / lion necklace: c/o ASOS / beanie: F21 / lipstick: MAC ‘Snob’

Hey lovelies. 
I am not sure if you guys have seen on the ASOS website (I forget that not everyone browses ASOS on the daily) but me and 7 other bloggers partnered up with ASOS for a little Oscar moment. It is award season so they asked us to style an Oscaresque outfit- this may be a bit casual for the Oscars but I am super keen for the lace overlay on this dress and I added a lion necklace to contrast the feminine-ness of the lace and bow clutch. And of course some old hollywood curls and red lipstick!
Anyways, I would absolutely be so honored if you guys voted for me! Also when you vote YOU are entered into a competition to win $500- so good luck to everyone who votes!! 🙂
Click HERE to vote!
You can vote everyday!
And thank you so much in advance and I adore you for voting!! 
dress: c/o ASOS / heels: c/o ASOS / clutch: c/o ASOS / necklace: c/o ASOS / lipstick: c/o ASOS
You can also shop the look here by clicking on the item:
Have a good day!!

David and I just got back from our little Wendover trip I told you about in the previous post. It was honestly the funnest night, I loved it. 
I didn’t get to redeem myself in bingo though.. in fact I actually yelled out bingo thinking I had it but turns out you had to get TWO bingos to win… so yeah, I don’t have good luck with bingo.
We ate lots of food and talked for hours about our ‘dreams’… me and David are both big dreamers, we are not realists at all and I really really love it especially since it kinda scares my family when we tell them our outrageous plans for our future. 🙂
 Also, we didn’t win any money…. sad. We hardly spent anything on gambling but what we did spend lasted us hours of going up and down up and down and then we put all our winnings on red in roulette and lost haha but the whole trip was so fun so we didn’t care. Then when we got back on the bus everyone asked, “how did you do?” and David’s response was, “well, we still really love each other”
Its also 4:45am as I write this and I am half asleep, so if none of this makes sense, I apologize. 
Anyways here are some pics of my outfit from tonight! I am kind of in love with this Union Jack Flag jacket Windsor sent me and I find that it looks cute with so many things which I actually didn’t expect!
And I threw in some other pics of our night 🙂 and check at the bottom to see if you won the Le Mode Giveaway!
jacket: c/o Windsor / top: thrifted from D.I. / necklace: Nordstrom (old) / pants: c/o Windsor / purse: c/o Rebecca Minkoff / booties: c/o Nine West
 And here are the other 
pics from tonight (most done on an iPhone)
Okay so we got to the buffet 10 min before it closed.. she said we could stay and eat as long as we want but we only had 10 minutes to get the food… and this is what the two of us ended up with. I think David ate 7 plates. 
The winner for the Le Mode Giveaway is…
YAY!!!! This was totally by random but I am glad you did, happy belated birthday! Email me to get your prize 🙂
Thanks for entering everyone!!!
K time for bed!
I love you all!!!!!

I have been a total repeat offender with this hat I am wearing in this post! I can’t stop wearing it. 
I got it at Target for $10 but I can’t find it anywhere online! So if you are wanting it I would hurry and run to Target! There is also a cute one here that I love and they have it in lots of colors! 
I have also been looking for a clutch with a connecting bracelet and Windsor was so sweet to send one over to me! The link is at the bottom 🙂
Hope you are all having a good 3 day weekend! David and I are going to Wendover tomorrow to play some blackjack 🙂 I don’t really believe in gambling since I never get lucky and neither does David really, but I thought it would be fun for a change (even though I probably won’t gamble more than 15 bucks haha) we ride on the Fun Bus that leaves out of Salt Lake City and takes you to Wendover.. its a bunch of old people and you play bingo on the bus haha its a fun time and they have a good buffet there so it’s pretty wild 🙂 Last time we were on the Fun Bus I won the bingo game called B.O. And I was supposed to yell “I have B.O.” really loud for the whole bus to hear but I was too embarrassed since I had just started dating David and I’m super shy at first. But now since we are married… I better win that game so I can redeem myself!
We almost went on a spontaneous trip to Mount Rushmore this weekend but decided not to… wanna know why?! 
I got a job with JetBlue!!!!!! I am so thrilled its stupid. I was freaking out when I heard! I start training beginning of March and I will just be doing reservations over the phone from home! 
So, moral: we are going to wait for our flight benefits 🙂
PS have you ever flown with JetBlue? Well I highly advise it.. you get direct TV the whole flight so on my way home from NYC I was watching Seinfeld the whole time. So awesome.
(these pics bring out a lot of the red I put in my hair!)
Something was really funny apparently 
clutch/bracelet: Windsorhat: Target / shirt: Macy’s (old); similar: here / pants: F21; similar: here / heels: ASOS / lipstick: MAC ‘Cut a Caper’ w/ nude gloss over
I honestly can’t help but celebrate each month mark of mine and David’s marriage… at least for the first year I can’t help it 🙂
And today we have been married two months!!! And its Valentines so today is going to be a good day.
I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day!!!

heels: H&M (old) / skirt: Target / necklace: c/o Windsor
The lipstick is Revlon ‘Siren’: here
I have said on my blog a few times before that I wash my hair about once, mayyybe twice a week which has resulted in lots and lots of emails asking how I wear my hair when it is so greasy and what I do to not make it look so greasy. 
This below is the fastest way I do it. I sometimes do braids or a milk maid look but when I am in a hurry I do this because it takes two seconds. I creepily stalk all Victoria’s Secret models.. (I literally dreamed of being one since I was like 5 years old. Maybe that is weird or maybe we all secretly do) But I love them because they always look so effortlessly chic. 
I always see Erin Heatherton wear her hair like this, in a messy slicked back pony with the two front chunks out (google ‘erin heatherton hair’ or ‘erin heatherton pony tail’ to see what I am talking about).. and since I creepily idol her, I copy her and do it all the time too, even though she pulls it off much better 🙂 
Also to make my hair not look so greasy I use dry shampoo but sometimes that dries out my extensions so I use cornstarch on my roots or baby powder! I just put it on my finger tips, tip my head over and brush it all over my roots. But I try to veer away from baby powder because I have had one to many incidents of “what the? why does it smell like baby powder all the sudden?” as I walk by a group or something embarrassing. I am sure you blondes know what I am talking about! 
Another funny story.. I was just in New York ya know? So I was going through security and every time I do it detects something on my head because of my extensions and they come over and just pat my head and tell me I am good to go. Well this time I am standing there waiting for her to pat my head because I see my scan and see the head region lit up but I look at the lady and she could tell I saw the scan and was waiting so she said, “oh its not a big deal sometimes it goes off when someones hair is wet.”
….my hair wasn’t wet.
Whoops! I am such a savage.
Anyways, in these pics I don’t have cornstarch or anything to combat the grease just my hair on day 4! Greasy hair makes for a good grungy pony.

tee: Urban Outfitters (old) / sweater: c/o Windsor / skinnies: J Brand / necklace: F21
 We are having a little giveaway today! The necklace I am wearing in these pictures (also seen in this post) is from Le Mode Accessories and today you can enter to win $30 to spend on Le Mode Accessories (plus they are going to include a little surprise piece)!! They have the cutest statement necklaces, and look how cute this bracelet is! 
Please scroll down to see how you can enter to win!
These photos were taken after we went to the Marissa Webb preview for her Fall 2013 line.. and it was amazing. Marissa worked with J Crew for 10 years and was Head of Womenswear and Accessories Design – she is so talented. Her clothes are very feminine and sophisticated but with more edge – leather and other fun touches that I love. I interviewed her last season and she was so unbelievably sweet to not only me but everyone- she is such a sweet woman and we have stayed in contact since and it was so fun to see her. She is going to do amazing things.
My cute friend Sadie and her awesome fur coat she found at the thrift store in NYC! She is wearing NARS lipstick in ‘Heat Wave‘ 
The beauty and talent behind the collection – Marissa Webb
Congratulating Marissa 🙂
(please try and put up with my serious “tude” in this picture.. I didn’t mean to look so serious haha whoops! Didn’t get many good pics that day :))
fur jacket: c/o / skinny jeans: c/o Windsor / booties: c/o Nine West / bag: c/o Rebecca Minkoff / hat: Nordstrom / ring: c/o Windsor / necklace: c/o Le Mode
To enter to win $30 to spend on Le Mode Accessories:
*you must be a follower of Barefoot Blonde
1 entry:
-Follow Le Mode on Instagram (IG: shoplemode)
-Like Le Mode on Facebook: here
1 additional entry:
-Follow Amber Fillerup on instagram (IG: amberfillerup)
-Follow Amber Fillerup on Pinterest: here
**please make a comment for each entry!
*Giveaway will close Monday February 18 at 12am